How to manage Proposal Platform
Operating platform to introduce and apply partner’s advanced technology.
- Hyundai Steel
- Strengthen technological competitiveness
- Quality and productivity improvement
- Cost reduction
- Supplier
- Technology promotion and business expansion
- Steel Mill marketing
- Business interaction
- CategoryLocalization, Improved / Substituted items, etc.
Field of
SuggestionSteel manufacturing
Pig iron making, Steel making, Continuous casting,
Hot rolling, Cold rolling, Safety, Environment, R&D, Office environment
- QualificationAll suppliers
Proposal Process
Suggestion proposes cost reduction, productivity and quality improvement, environmental and safety improvement
- Unregistered supplier Provide a chance to trade regardless of the company evaluation result
- Pre-registered supplier
1) Long term contract : 3 years (maximum)
2) Payment : Cash for less than 100 million won,
promissory note for more than 100 million won
3) Provision of overseas training
4) Additional points for supplier-pool evaluation
Procurement Planning Team HongYul, Lee Manager (, +82-2-3464-6578)